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1704 ESE elektrooniline lüliti

1704 ESE elektrooniline lüliti

Electronic switch insert 1-channel 

With satellite input for covers ref.-no.: .. 1700 .., .. 1701 .., .. 1750 D .., .. 1751 BT .., .. 17180 .., .. 17280 .., .. 17181 .., .. 17281 .., DWPM 17360 .. 

Intended use Switching of lighting Operation with suitable cover of the LB Management Installation in flush box according to DIN 49073 
Product characteristics: 
Switch-on via bulb-preserving soft start 
Connection of satellite units possible 
Electronic short-circuit protection with permanent switch-off after 7 seconds at the latest 
Electronic over-temperature protection 
Test operation for functional test 

Operation without neutral conductor: 
Automatic or manual setting of the operating mode suitable for the load
Display of the set operating mode by means of LED 

Operation with neutral conductor: 
Automatic setting of the operating mode suitable for the load

Code Description Price Price+VAT Unit
Eelektrooniline lüliti 20-400W/VA hõõgl. ja mehh.trafo, 3-100W LED JUNG €93.99 €114.67 tk
Code: 1704ESE
Eelektrooniline lüliti 20-400W/VA hõõgl. ja mehh.trafo, 3-100W LED JUNG
Price: €93.99
Price+VAT: €114.67